Upscaling Life: A Pragmatist’s Guide to Setting and Achieving Personal Goals by Bert Bakker
In Upscaling Life you will learn how to create a life plan and set personal goals the right way. The author developed a model for personal development based on highly successful growth models and strategies for the business world.
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The book explains the model for personal development in a clear, structured and practical way. Everyone at any point in their life can use these models, strategies and tips for self-growth.
Scientific studies are described to explain why setting personal goals work. And positive psychology concepts are used to tie it all together. This combined with tips & tricks on how to improve your journey towards goal success guarantees that you will find some elements to help you reach the life you envision.
By setting goals, we create a roadmap of toward where we want to go, and we discover the right way to get there. French philosophical giant Michel Foucault once said:
“I don’t feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning.”
Book review:
Upscaling Life by Bert Bakker is a pragmatic guide to setting and achieving personal goals, and is a definite ‘must have’ self-help guide. It is contagiously enthusiastic, motivating, encouraging and inspiring! I can’t wait to recommend it to my family and friends.
I’ve always appreciated that saying… he who fails to plan, plans to fail, even so the amount of times I’ve actually sat down and drafted out a plan has been few and far between. This is about to change, thanks to all the inspirational and methodical advice offered in this great book.
As a self-help guide it is both thorough and easy-to-read. The steps to helping you achieve your planned goals are straight-forward and easy to follow, and come complete with spreadsheets to help you on your way. I appreciate very much the first third of the book that gets the reader to look at themselves and discover/acknowledge their core values and life missions. Without doing this first it is pretty impossible to set down life goals which should be aligned with our values. To be clear, this is about putting you on the right path to recognizing what both your values and goals are, no one can actually help you accomplish your goals, only point you in the right direction so that you can recognize, record, and then set out to achieve them. This book will focus you with easy-to-understand language, motivate, and inspire you. But lastly, once you’re on course (if you’re like me) you will receive an element of peace of mind – which is priceless. The appendix at the end of the book is a super resource.
Bert Bakker has poured years of practical application, and his personal drive to encourage others, into this wonderful self-help guide. I have been completely inspired and invigorated with the desire to make plans and to change my life 1% at a time. Upscaling Life by Bert Bakker is both educational and inspirational, and comes highly recommended by Artisan Book Reviews. Book Review written by T N Traynor for Artisan Book Reviews & Promotion.